Michael Hopp

advokat (L), partner

Michael Hopp er partner og leder af vores team for Persondataret.

Michael er en af landets førende specialister inden for persondataret, og var en af landets første advokater til at specialisere sig inden for området. Michael har hos Plesner opbygget et unikt markedsledende persondatateam.

Michael har siden 2000 beskæftiget sig indgående med persondataret, hvilket gør, at han har oparbejdet en både bred og dyb erfaring med håndtering af mange typer af persondataretlige problemstillinger. Michael er bredt anerkendt som en af de ledende, danske rådgivere på området.

Michael rådgiver en række af de mest betydningsfulde danske og multinationale virksomheder på tværs af brancher og hans rådgivning omfatter alle aspekter af persondataretten, som f.eks. datasikkerhed, internationale dataoverførsler, risikovurderinger, whistleblower hotlines og sikkerhedsbrud. Gennem sin håndtering af adskillige sikkerhedsbrud, har Michael også opnået gennemgribende erfaring med krisehåndtering.


Michael har opnået global anerkendelse for sin ekspertise inden for persondataret og placerer sig på flere internationale ranglister i toppen af sit felt. Som den eneste advokat i Danmark er Michael anerkendt som en "Global Elite Thought Leader" på den globale rangliste WWL ("Who's Who Legal") inden for persondataret, hvilket fremhæver Michaels evner inden for persondataretlig rådgivning i forbindelse med komplekse regulatoriske problemstillinger.


Michael er efterspurgt blandt klienter for sin rådgivningen inden for GDPR samt konsekvenserne af reguleringen af private virksomheder og offentlige myndigheder. Michaels omfattende netværk rækker både nationalt og internationalt, og han bruger sit netværk aktivt til vidensdeling og løsning af specifikke opgaver for klienter.

Med sine mange års erfaring inden for persondataret og databeskyttelse har Michael stået i spidsen for flere nyskabende tiltag i branchen. Michael står blandt andet bag Plesners GDPR Master Class og Plesners 5-dages kursus "Plesner Certifikat i Persondataret", der tilsammen  har haft mere end 1.100 deltagere. Derudover har Michael også stået bag den populære compliance-software RISMAgdpr og Plesners GDPR e-learning, ligesom han senest har initieret Plesners digitale vidensplatform "Plesner LegalHub".

Michaels omfattende undervisningserfaring giver ham en stor indsigt i de udfordringer, som virksomheder og myndigheder står over for, og tilsvarende omfattende erfaring med, hvordan disse udfordringer løses bedst muligt. 

På markedsføringsområdet har Michael omfattende viden om datadrevet markedsføring og særligt de kommercielle gevinster ved brugen af datadrevet markedsføring. Michael er en værdiskabende rådgiver særligt i forhold til den dynamiske fortolkning af lovgivningen relateret til udbredelsen af nye teknologier.


  • Michael Hopp is recommended and listed as a leading individual as regards Data Privacy and Data Protection.

    "Michael Hopp is hands down the best privacy legal expert in Denmark. Knows and understands stakeholder-management issues which is very useful"

    "Michael Hopp is extremely knowledgeable and responsive. Always available for good sparring" "Michael Hopp is one of Denmark’s leading data protection specialists who has been able to create a team with outstanding associates while still being involved in client matters" (2024)

  • Michael Hopp demonstrates longstanding expertise in data privacy mandates. He is well placed to advise on GDPR compliance and data processing agreements, often acting for banks and blue-chip IT companies.

    "Michael is highly skilled and has an extremely deep knowledge in GDPR and related areas"

    "He is always available and able to explain difficult legal matters in an understandable way"

    "Michael Hopp is absolutely brilliant. He is very straightforward and doesn't make things more complicated than they are. He is very good at presenting risks related to a given legal question" (2024)

  • Michael Hopp is listed as a "Thought Leader Global Elite" as regards Data - Data Privacy & Protection. In addition, he is recommended as a "Global Leader" as regards Data - Data Security, Data - Information Technology and Telecoms & Media (2024)

  • Michael Hopp is recommended and listed as a leading individual as regards Data Privacy and Data Protection.

    "Michael Hopp and Jesper Husmer Vang are my go-to practitioners for data privacy matters. They are always accessible on short notice with clear and pragmatic advice. Very pleasant to speak to and always to the point" (2023)

  • Michael Hopp demonstrates longstanding expertise in data privacy mandates. He is well placed to advise on GDPR compliance and data processing agreements, often acting for banks and blue-chip IT companies.

    "His knowledge in this area of expertise is impressive."

    "Michael is always on top of complex legal questions." (2023)

  • Michael Hopp is listed as a "Thought Leader Global Elite" and recommended as a "Global Leader" as regards Data - Data Security. Further, he is listed as a "Thought Leader" and recommended as a "Global Leader" as regards Data - Data Privacy & Protection and Data - Information Technology. In addition, he is recommended as a "Global Leader" as regards Telecoms & Media (2023)

  • Michael Hopp is recommended and listed as a leading individual as regards Data Privacy and Data Protection. Further, he is recommended as regards Information Technology.

    "Michael Hopp is considered as a "guru" within the area. He is a fantastic skilled and experienced partner with a proactive and solution-oriented approach. Always engaged and available. He is extremely pleasant and knowledgeable" (2022)

  • Michael Hopp enters the new data protection ranking due to his longstanding expertise in data privacy mandates across Denmark. He is well placed to advise on GDPR compliance, international data transfers and data processing agreements while also assisting with M&A transactions involving data protection issues.

    Clients say: "He is able to funnel his knowledge into practical and usable advice that can be implemented" (2022) 

  • Michael Hopp is recommended and listed as a leading individual as regards Data Privacy and Data Protection. Further, he is recommended as regards Information Technology.

    "Michael Hopp knows the privacy industry inside out. He knows the DPA well and understands how they will reason. Gives very trustworthy on-point advice that’s not just about what the law says"

    "Michael Hopp is always accessible, highly competent and pragmatic. Flexible in terms of designing tasks to cut costs and sharing of templates"

    "Michael Hopp has a broad network of authorities and other key stakeholders within the area with the possibility of informal clarifications and discussions, not to forget outstanding expertise and knowledge"

    "Michael Hopp and Jesper Husmer Vang’s knowledge and experience within all aspects of data protection, theoretical as well as practical, make them second to none within their field. There are no others I would rather exchange views, opinions and discuss challenges regarding data protection with

    "Michael Hopp is a very dedicated and engaged speaker within the field of data privacy" (2021)

  • Michael Hopp is ranked as a leading individual as regards Information Technology.

    Michael Hopp is noted for his expertise in data privacy matters and GDPR compliance. One client enthuses: "He has an extremely gifted legal mindset in regard to data protection law" (2021)

  • Michael Hopp is recommended and listed as a leading individual as regards Data Privacy and Data Protection (2020)

  • Michael Hopp is ranked as a leading individual as regards TMT: IT & IT Outsourcing.

    Michael Hopp is noted for his expertise on data protection matters, which he utilises to advise clients on GDPR issues. One client enthuses that he is "very dedicated and very well connected" (2020)

  • Michael Hopp is recommended as regards Information Technology (2019)

    Michael Hopp is recommended as regards Media and Entertainment (2019)

    Michael Hopp is recommended as regards Telecoms (2019)

  • Michael Hopp is ranked as a leading individual as regards TMT: IT & IT Outsourcing.

    Michael Hopp advises multinational companies on GDPR and regulatory issues. Sources consider him as "smart and wise" as well as "extremely knowledgeable of the area" (2019)

  • Michael Hopp is ranked as a leading individual as regards TMT: IT & IT Outsourcing.

    Michael Hopp advises international and domestic clients on IT regulatory issues. He has a particular focus on data privacy issues and GDPR compliance matters as well as contentious issues related to data protection, and is widely considered to be very knowledgeable in that field, with one source confirming that "he is a specialist in this area". Several sources highlight his strong focus and expertise, reporting: "He's very thorough, he's very enthusiastic about his subject" (2018)

  • Michael Hopp is recommended as regards Information Technology (2018)

    Michael Hopp is recommended as regards Media and Entertainment (2018)

    Michael Hopp is recommended as regards Telecoms (2018)

  • Michael Hopp is listed as an expert with respect to Information Technology, Telecoms & Media and Data Privacy and Protection (2017)

  • Michael Hopp is ranked as a leading individual as regards Intellectual Property by Chambers Global and Chambers Europe.

    Michael Hopp advises on data protection and e-commerce, including representing clients in disputes with regulatory authorities as well as other companies. Copyright and marketing law are additional areas of expertise (2017)

  • Michael Hopp is listed as a leading individual as regards TMT: IT and IT Outsourcing.

    Michael Hopp focuses on data protection, e-business and consumer law. One client says: "He is one of the best in data protection in Denmark. He gives quick, concise and very commercial advice" (2017)

  • Michael Hopp is recommended as regards Information Technology (2017)

    Michael Hopp is recommended as regards Media and Entertainment (2017)

    Michael Hopp is recommended as regards Telecom. Michael Hopp is a name to note (2017)

  • Michael Hopp is ranked as a leading individual as regards Intellectual Property by both Chambers Global and Chambers Europe.

    Michael Hopp focuses on data protection law, e-commerce and marketing law. Clients say: "I always recommend him; he has a really good style and is always aware of costs" (2016)

  • Michael Hopp is ranked as a leading individual as regards TMT/IT & IT Outsourcing.

    Clients say: "He is a very skilled lawyer, he is always up to date with the latest developments and he thinks outside the box" (2016)

  • Michael Hopp is recommended as regards Information Technology.

    Michael Hopp is "an expert in data protection, compliance, marketing and consumer law" (2016)

    Michael Hopp is recommended as regards Intellectual Property (2016)
  • Michael Hopp is listed as an expert with respect to Telecommunications Media & Technology - Information Technology.

    Michael Hopp is listed as an expert with respect to Telecommunications Media & Technology - Telecoms and Media (2016)

  • Michael Hopp is ranked as a leading individual as regards Intellectual Property.

    Michael Hopp has "very high integrity and expertise," say sources. He is an expert in data protection, compliance, marketing and consumer law, focusing particularly on the technology and media sectors (2015)

  • Michael Hopp is ranked as a leading individual as regards TMT/IT & IT Outsourcing.

    Michael Hopp has particular experience handling data protection mandates (2015)

  • Michael Hopp is recommended as regards Information Technology.

    The "very skilled lawyer" Michael Hopp has notable expertise in Data Protection and Data Security (2015)

    Michael Hopp is recommended as regards Intellectual Property (2015)

  • Michael Hopp is ranked as a leading individual as regards Intellectual Property.

    He remains a respected name, especially in the sphere of data protection (2014)

  • Michael Hopp is ranked as a leading individual as regards TMT/IT & IT Outsourcing.

    Commentators praise up-and-coming partner Michael Hopp for his marketing and data privacy skills. "He masters those two disciplines and understands their implementation in our business," impressed sources say (2014)

  • Michael Hopp is recommended as regards Information Technology.

    The "sharp, friendly and responsive" Michael Hopp advises on data protection and e-commerce (2014)

  • Michael Hopp is ranked as a leading individual as regards Intellectual Property.

    Michael Hopp continues to build his reputation in copyright matters with a "tough, resolute" approach (2013)

  • Michael Hopp has been listed as a leading individual as regards Intellectual Property.

    He is well known for his copyright work. Clients appreciate his business-minded approach (2013)

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