Det kræver erfaring og dyb specialisering at holde sig opdateret om det stadigt mere komplekse ansættelses- og arbejdsretlige landskab. Gennem de seneste 20 år har vi udviklet vores rådgivning til løbende at kunne matche vores klienters nye behov.

Udover de klassiske ansættelses- og arbejdsretlige sager rådgiver vi bl.a. om de ansættelsesretlige aspekter ved opkøb og fusioner på tværs af landegrænser, omstruktureringer, interne undersøgelser, fleksible ansættelsesforhold, masseafskedigelser, direktionens vilkår, herunder incitamentsordninger, diskriminationssager, overenskomstindgåelse og overenskomstfortolkning, og andre kollektive arbejdsretlige spørgsmål.

Vi rådgiver internationale og danske virksomheder, offentlige myndigheder og institutioner samt direktører. Vi går ofte i retten i ansættelses- og arbejdsretlige sager. 

For altid at kunne levere den bedst mulige løsning til klienten yder vi rådgivning i tæt samarbejde med vores specialister inden for bl.a. persondata, skat, M&A, TMT og insolvens. 

Vores klienter fremhæver især vores evne til at sætte os i deres sted og finde løsninger, der skaber værdi for dem. Vi stræber efter at levere skræddersyede løsninger, hvor vi inddrager kommercielle, personalepolitiske og menneskelige aspekter. Vi leverer både løsningen på et problem og implementerer løsningen sammen med klienterne. 

Vores erfaring spænder bredt over stort set alle brancher, og vi har også lang erfaring med at rådgive klienter i den offentlige og halvoffentlige sektor - og med at føre retssager ved alle relevante instanser.

Vi udvider løbende vores kompetencer. Outsourcing, herunder outsourcing af service- og it-ydelser, er et eksempel på et område, hvor vi har rådgivet adskillige klienter og opbygget værdifuld erfaring.


  • EQT - rådgivning om ansættelsesretlige forhold, herunder om incitamentsprogrammer i forbindelse med køb af Færch Plast og efterfølgende salg af Færch Plast til Advent International 
  • Kommune - repræsenteret kommune i en principiel sag for Østre Landsret vedrørende påstået aldersdiskrimination
  • Erhvervsakademi - medhold i en sag om forældelse for erhvervsakademi, først for byretten og derefter for Østre Landsret 
  • Erhvervsakademi - repræsenterede erhvervsakademi i forbindelse med krav fra Erhvervsstyrelsen om større påstået tilbagebetaling af tilskud til ansattes lønninger
  • Danske Bank - assistance i forbindelse med indgåelse af Facility Management aftale med ISS
  • Telenor - fusion (nu opgivet) af Telenors og Telias danske selskaber (medarbejderforhold)
  • DONG Energy A/S - ledende advokat i forbindelse med forberedelserne til og implementering af et globalt medarbejderaktieprogram for mere end 6.000 medarbejdere
  • Højesteretssag - medhold i en højesteretssag i forbindelse med påstået forskelsbehandling og arbedsgiverens adgang til medarbejders emails
  • Erhvervsskoler - medhold i sager for erhvervsskoler i sager bl.a.  for Ligebehandlingsnævnet 
  • EY - assistance vedrørende samtlige ansættelsesretlige spørgsmål i forbindelse med fusionen mellem EY Denmark og KPMG Denmark
  • Shell - assistance i forbindelse med overdragelse af pensionsforpligtelserne fra Shells to pensionsfonde til et fransk forsikringsselskab
  • Virksomhedsoverdragelsesloven og udbud - medhold i sag i for Østre Landsret om ordregivers ansvar i forbindelse med udlicitering


  • "The Plesner employment law practice is outstanding. The quality of the legal advice is clear, confident, pragmatic and technically excellent. Plesner employment lawyers are very well-versed in labour market practice and dynamics, in handling and diffusing contentious and potentially contentious matters and generally positioning their clients to identify and address Danish employment law issues"

    "They show a strong professionalism and are skilled in providing advice based on individual needs. In addition, they are skilled at creating and maintaining relationships with customers"

    "They are extremely orderly and respectful in their work, both with their own clients and with a counterparty, which contributes to you feeling well-represented"

    "Diligent and detail-oriented, always going the extra mile to help and assist"

    "They work fast, challenge your thinking and ensure you arrive at the best possible result"

    "Very skilled and good business acumen. Pleasant to talk to and can target the responses to the detail need you have" (2024)

  • Plesner houses a respected practice group that advises on a range of employment matters, including those arising from cross-border transactions. The department also holds experience handling collective redundancies as part of restructurings, as well as outsourcing issues. The law firm additionally represents clients in investigations and litigation concerning discrimination and harassment in the workplace, including Supreme Court cases.

    "Plesner seems to have expertise across all HR and employment law disciplines"

    "The lawyers are always quick and get back to us when we need them"

    "The team always provides quick responses"

    "Plesner always gives proactive advice" (2024)

  • "Outstanding service & flexibility. High performance with exceptionally good knowledge" (2023)

  • Plesner houses a respected practice group that advises on a range of employment matters, including those arising from cross-border transactions. The department also holds experience handling collective redundancies as part of restructurings, as well as outsourcing issues. The law firm additionally represents clients in investigations and litigation concerning discrimination and harassment in the workplace, including Supreme Court cases.

    "There is always a specialist available when needed"

    "The lawyers are excellent - on point and always available"
    "The team has very deep and broad knowledge" (2023)
  • "Plesner has a great and knowledgeable employment team and they are number 1 in Denmark for me and my clients. They are practical, swift, knowledgeable and pleasant to work with. They stand out as a team and as individuals"

    "We always receive highly qualified advice and problem solving – in minor everyday issues as well as in complex cases. In addition to the quality of the advice, we always experience a quick response and that tasks are solved by the agreed deadline or faster. On a personal level, the collaboration has also been exemplary"

    "Very good attorneys and customer service. Very responsive"

    "Plesner’s employment practice is commercially oriented, straight forward and reliable"

    "They are professional, very skilled, extremely good in corporation, fast responders, very flexible" (2022)

  • Plesner houses a respected practice group advising on a range of employment matters, including those arising from cross-border transactions. The team's areas of expertise include the negotiation of collective bargaining agreements and the negotiation of severance pay. The department also holds experience handling collective redundancies as part of restructurings, as well as employment law disputes. Additionally, the law firm advises on employment incentive schemes.
    "Their knowledge is second to none"
    "They are always ready to answer" (2022)
  • "Correct, pragmatic and solution-oriented"

    "Top quality, practical advice, very responsive. Nice people to work with. Top team"

    "Good insight into employment matters, incentive pay and long term incentive plans"

    "Strong team with various backgrounds and skillsets. Plesner is a highly trusted advisor, and someone we use frequently. Where they stand out compared to others is their commercial mindset"

    "Besides being commercial in their approach, the individuals we work with are transparent and honest, providing advisory services that are actually value-add to us" (2021)

  • Respected practice group advising on a range of employment matters, including those arising from cross-border transactions. Areas of expertise include the negotiation of collective bargaining agreements and the negotiation of severance pay. Holds experience handling collective redundancies as part of restructurings, as well as employment law disputes. Additionally advises on employment incentive schemes.

    "The team is swift and at the same time pragmatic in its handling of our matters"
    "They are diligent, they follow up and are very solution-oriented" (2021)
  • "Solid understanding of Employment law, the commercial reality of the market environment and how that fits into the negotiations between parties"

    "Commercial oriented lawyers who understand the client’s needs. Strong ability to navigate between the big picture and situations that requires a great deal of detail orientation" (2020)

  • Respected practice group advising on a range of employment matters, including those arising from cross-border transactions. Areas of expertise include the negotiation of collective bargaining agreements and the negotiation of severance pay. Holds experience handling collective redundancies as part of restructurings. Handles employment law disputes, including those regarding discrimination and workplace safety. Additionally advises on employment incentive schemes.

    "Know their client's business and have great experience in employment law"
    "Lawyers are a pleasure to work with in terms of customer engagement, easy to call, super attentive and create a good working mood" (2020)
  • The team at Plesner is "very professional, reactive and dedicated" (2019)
  • Respected practice group advising on a range of employment matters, including those arising from cross-border transactions. Areas of experience include the negotiation of collective bargaining agreements and the transfer of employees. Noted for its experience in collective redundancies as part of restructurings. Defends public and private sector employers in appeals against summary dismissals of individual staff. Acts for clients coming from the pharmaceuticals, financial services, education and textiles sectors.

    Clients value the team's advice for being "pragmatic and easy both to understand and to implement"
    "They are always available and have strong commercial awareness" (2019)
  • Under the joint leadership of "very skilled" Henriette Stakemann and "sharp and pragmatic" Lise Høy Falsner, Plesner handles the employment aspects of transactions, as well as incentive schemes, collective redundancies and terminations (2018)
  • "They are able to explain everything in commercial terms, avoiding extensive legal terminology. They take the time to understand my business" (2018)
  • Within Employment, Plesner is a first tier firm.

    Plesner's "fantastic" practice acts for domestic and international clients in a wide range of matters, including incentive programmes, collective redundancies and terminations (2017)

  • Respected practice advising on a range of employment matters, including those with cross-border aspects. Areas of focus include collective bargaining, working time issues and transfer of employees, in the public and offshore sectors in particular. Also noted for its experience in collective redundancies, employee data and employment litigation. 

    "I like Plesner's proactive approach. They often think of things that I have not indicated when specifying the task"
    "We are extremely happy with the service provided. They are very quick at answering and in a language that is understandable for people who aren't lawyers" (2017)
  • Within employment, Plesner is a first tier firm.

    Plesner has "a pragmatic viewpoint on how to solve issues instead of escalating them" (2016)

  • "I am very satisfied; the lawyers stood up to all my requirements, they are competent, they respected confidentiality, and they are responsive"

    "The lawyers are responsive, even over the weekend, and they are extremely down to earth and practical" (2016)

  • Noted for expertise in employment litigation, particularly with regard to employee incentive schemes, executive dismissals, discrimination issues and injunctions. Also experienced in the transfer of undertakings, outsourcing and collective bargaining matters (2015)
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