Technology and Outsourcing

Som klient hos Plesner vil I blive rådgivet af nogle af landets dygtigste og mest erfarne IT-advokater og jurister med dyb specialistviden inden for IT, teknologi og outsourcing. Vi yder rådgivning baseret på et indgående branchekendskab og stor indsigt i udfordringerne ved udbud, indgåelse, forhandling og gennemførelse af IT- og teknologi-relaterede kontrakter, IT-projekter og outsourcing.

IT & Teknologi

I forbindelse med juridisk rådgivning om IT og teknologi er det afgørende at vælge en rådgiver med forståelse for teknologi og klientens virksomhed kombineret med en indgående viden om IT-kontrakter, og hvad det vil sige at gennemføre et IT-projekt. En sådan velfunderet rådgivning får I ved at vælge vores team.
IT-verdenen er i konstant og rivende udvikling. Vi oplever, at vores klienter har stort fokus på digitalisering af forretningsgange og processer. Det sker blandt andet ved brug af cloud, robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), big data og machine learning teknologier.

Anskaffelse og implementering af IT-systemer er ofte forretningskritiske og af strategisk stor betydning for vores klienter. Vores IT-advokater og jurister kan bidrage under hele processen - det gælder allerede fra tilrettelæggelse af indkøbsprocessen og udvælgelsen af den rigtige samarbejdspartner.

Vi har indgående erfaring med udarbejdelse, forhandling og gennemførelsen af større IT-kontrakter med henblik på at skabe og sikre værdi for vores klienter. Vi anbefaler allerede at begynde samarbejdet med os i forbindelse med indkøbs/udbudsprocessen. Sådan kan vi skabe mest mulig kommerciel værdi for jer.

IT-kontrakten er et styringsværktøj til at sikre, at IT-projektet bliver en succes for de involverede parter. Vi sikrer, at aftalegrundlaget for IT-projektet er det rigtige, således at IT-kontrakten og vilkårene reflekterer den valgte projektmodel og parternes forventninger.

Vi tilbyder rådgivning skræddersyet inden for jura og IT til den enkelte klients behov, herunder udarbejdelse af IT-kontrakter, der tager højde for de risici, kommercielle overvejelser og krav, der er forbundet med virksomheders investering i ny teknologi og digitalisering. Vi har særlig erfaring og ekspertise, når det angår finansielle virksomheders indgåelse af IT- og teknologirelaterede aftaler, idet det ofte udgør outsourcing underlagt særlige regulatoriske krav. Vi har blandt andet sammen med softwarevirksomheden RISMA Systems udviklet en IT-løsning til at understøtte finansielle virksomheders overholdelse af sådanne regulatoriske krav.
Læs mere om IT-Kontrakter


Vi bistår inden for alle områder af outsourcing og har solid erfaring med at rådgive både kunder og leverandører inden for en bred vifte af industrier.

Vi anser det som vores fornemmeste opgave ikke kun at fokusere på det juridiske i vores rådgivning, men også at have de kommercielle og strategiske aspekter for øje, så vi kan skabe de bedst mulige løsninger og mest mulig værdi.
At outsource dele af sin virksomhed er typisk en større eller strategisk beslutning, og vi har store erfaringer med at bidrage og deltage i den samlede outsourcing proces, og ikke blot med udarbejdelsen og forhandlingen af outsourcing kontrakten, men også i tilrettelæggelsen af processen og udvælgelsen af den rigtige outsourcing partner.

Vi kan bistå med rådgivning inden for a blandt andet IT-drift, IT-outsourcing samt udvikling og vedligeholdelse af applikationer og support heraf (AD/AM) samt outsourcing af forretningsprocesser (business proces outsourcing (BPO)), hvor opgaver som finans, bogholderi, kundesupport eller andet outsources.
Derudover rådgiver vi om facility management (FM) opgaver som kantinedrift, rengøringsservice og andre lignende servicefunktioner, som håndteres af en ekstern leverandør.

Vi har særlig erfaring og ekspertise med at rådgive om finansielle virksomheders outsourcing og de særlige regulatoriske krav, der gælder for disse virksomheder. Som en del af det arbejde har vi sammen med softwarevirksomheden RISMA Systems udviklet en IT-løsning til at understøtte finansielle virksomheders overholdelse af regulatoriske krav for outsourcing.

Læs mere om Outsourcing


IT og outsourcing kan involvere komplekse forhold og stille store krav til samarbejdet mellem kunden og leverandøren.

Der vil derfor under tiden kunne opstå større eller mindre konflikter, hvor parterne eksempelvis bliver uenige om, hvem af parterne som bærer ansvaret for forsinkelse og betaling for (ekstra) arbejde. Det er derfor vigtigt, at parternes kontrakt sikrer hensigtsmæssige muligheder for konfliktløsning, herunder med den fornødne hurtighed, således at projektet så vidt muligt kan køre videre uafhængigt deraf. Plesner bistår med konfliktløsningen proaktivt dels ved at sikre, at kontrakterne tager hånd om løsningsmuligheder - og dels i forhold til rådgivning, når konflikterne er opstået.

Læs mere om Dispute Resolution

Persondata og Compliance

Udveksling af store mængder data - i Danmark og på tværs af landegrænser - har medført et skærpet fokus på sikkerhed og beskyttelse af persondata i særdeleshed. Dette et blevet en væsentlig del af rådgivningen inden for IT.

Vores IT-advokater og jurister arbejder tæt sammen med vores specialiserede team for persondata og compliance for at sikre, at persondata, sikkerhed, og compliance er i fokus ved vores rådgivning om IT-kontrakter, IT-projekter og outsourcing.
Læs mere om rådgivning inden for persondata


  • Plesner is listed in "Band 1" as regards Information Technology.

    Plesner enjoys one of the top IT practices in Denmark, catering to a prestigious clientele within the industry. The team is very well placed to handle large IT projects and often negotiates master service and strategic partnership agreements as well as IT contracts. A further strength of the department lies in data protection, advising on GDPR and data processing. Clients additionally benefit from the law firm’s expertise in the telecommunications sector.

    "Plesner is a full-service law firm with a lot of highly skilled lawyers in many areas"

    "The team offers timely advice and is always available for a call to help or assist" (2024)

  • Within Information Technology and within Telecoms, Plesner is a first tier firm.

    "Plesner's team has mastered the art of creating major outsourcing contracts. Both in terms of negotiating the agreement but also in terms of creating a pleasant and respectful negotiation environment"

    "Very strong skills and up to date knowledge with a high level of expertise and experience. Legally precise and commercially useful advice"

    "The team has great insights within their area of expertise and is able to deliver very qualified advice. They are extremely competent and very friendly"

  • Plesner is listed in "Band 1" as regards Information Technology.

    Plesner enjoys one of the top IT practices in Denmark, catering to a prestigious clientele within the industry. The team is very well placed to handle large IT projects and often negotiates master service and strategic partnership agreements as well as IT contracts. A further strength of the department lies in data protection, advising on GDPR and data processing. Clients additionally benefit from the law firm’s expertise in the telecommunications sector.

    "The lawyers are highly skilled and show a good commercial understanding. They are highly specialised in their areas, and the team altogether has a good breadth" (2023)

  • Within Information Technology and within Telecoms, Plesner is a first tier firm.

    "The team is first of all very competent and are thought leaders within the area. They have developed the Legal Hub, that is a web tool, gathering relevant information to business people within the legal area"

    "Plesner provides excellent specialist advice in IT-related matters"

    "The Plesner IT practice advises from an in-house business-minded perspective, not from a distanced risk-averse mindset. They also have the technical expertise to understand the software service/product which is being licensed in/out"

    "Very competent and professional service"

    "High quality legal advice and very good commercial knowledge. Very short response times, continuously able to adjust if requested" (2022)

  • Plesner is listed in "Band 1" as regards Information Technology.

    The law firm Plesner is widely appreciated as one of the top IT practices in Denmark, catering to a prestigious clientele comprising insurance companies, banks and automotive giants. Its team is very well placed to handle large digitalisation projects and often negotiates master service and strategic partnership agreements as well as IT contracts. A further strength lies in data protection, with the team advising on GDPR, data processing and data compliance. It also assists with product launches and IT procurements. Furthermore, clients benefit from the firm’s expertise in litigation pertaining to telecommunications and software licensing disputes.

    "Plesner has the depth and knowledge"

    "We always experience a high level of legal and commercial insight and advice with Plesner" (2022)

  • Within Information Technology and within Telecoms, Plesner is a first tier firm.

    "Plesner’s information technology practice group takes a very client-focused approach. The firm has a good depth and manages to blend this well with accessibility and commerciality. They take the time to understand things from a business and a legal perspective. Advice is always practical, clear and solution-focused"

    "The team has a unique understanding and interest in technology"

    "They are not afraid to be tech nerds and this relates to their customers in a warm welcoming fashion"

    "The team is extremely business-minded and pragmatic in advising on commercial IP/IT transactions. They are also able to advise from a "global" perspective rather than "Danish-only" when helping their client negotiate with non-Danish counterparties. This ability to think like an in-house counsel and think globally is what separates them from other Danish law firms" (2021)

  • Renowned team covering IT outsourcing and implementation processes, as well as digital transformation projects. Highly active in data privacy and protection mandates. Also assists with transactions, commercial contracts and technology agreements.

    "Very business-minded"

    "They have a real-world, pragmatic attitude towards getting a deal done" (2021)

  • Within Information Technology and within Telecoms, Plesner is a first tier firm.

    "It is a very skilled team with high focus on making their advice and documents useful in the day-to-day operation of the business"

    "Great knowledge on both necessary areas of expertise regarding GDPR: the IT-security aspects on a deep technical and legal level. They are very competent advisers"

    "The team is very dedicated, client- and solution oriented combined with a good understanding of technology and strong legal skills" (2020)

  • Renowned team covering all areas of IT and telecoms, including regulatory matters in telecommunications, corporate acquisitions, contract negotiations and IT implementation projects. Receives regular instructions by major corporates on outsourcing projects. Also acts on contentious TMT mandates across both IT and media. Regularly acts for financial institutions and large international telecoms groups, as well as significant clients in the insurance, energy and publishing sectors.

    "In addition to being exceptionally gifted, they are very business-minded and give sound and innovative advice"

    "Proactive and very attentive to its clients" (2020)

  • Within Information technology, Telecoms and Media and entertainment Plesner is a first tier firm.

    "Contractual work, data protection and cloud computing are key strengths of Plesner's practice"

    "Plesner has notable expertise in public and commercial telecoms matters"

    "Plesner predominantly focuses on IP, commercial, technology and publishing matters in the media and entertainment sector" (2019)

  • Renowned team covering all areas of IT and telecoms, including regulatory matters in telecommunications and data protection area and cloud computing agreements. Receives regular instructions by major corporates on outsourcing projects. Also acts on contentious TMT mandates across both IT and media. Boasts a range of clients such as public entities, major film distribution companies and large international telecoms group.

    "A lighthouse in the industry"

    "Quality of judgement and quick turnaround"

    "Understands our business needs quickly and is flexible with our requirements"  (2019)

  • Within information technology and telecoms, Plesner is a first tier firm.

    "Business acumen" and an "operational approach" are characteristic of Plesner’s IT team that is best known for its expertise in data protection, cloud computing and outsourcing (2018)
  • "The team balances the legal theoretical risks with sound sense" and provides advice which is "short and very easy to follow"

    Pleased by the way that the team is always "planning and ensuring they can deliver on time" despite being in high demand (2018)

  • Within information technology and telecoms, Plesner is a first tier firm.

    Plesner is experienced in advising on the regulatory aspects of telecoms transactions and is often instructed on contract and regulatory issues in data protection and cloud services (2017)
  • Renowned team covering all areas of TMT, including data protection, telecommunications regulation and cloud computing agreements. Also possesses noteworthy expertise in outsourcing projects and IT disputes. Boasts a range of clients such as public entities, major film distribution companies and large international telecom groups. 

    "They are one of the firms with the most international outlook and they are very commercial"

    "They keep to their deadlines and they provide understandable and practical advice that we can immediately use" (2017)

  • Within information technology and telecoms, Plesner is a first tier firm.

    Plesner's practice "always swiftly responds to questions and provides pragmatic advice" (2016)

  • "I appreciate the team's expert knowledge and the ability to answer all issues raised, combined with outstanding availability"

    "I really enjoy working with Plesner. It's responsive and easy with invoicing, so if I had to draw on one firm in Denmark, I would recommend Plesner" (2016)

  • Top Tier

    Telecoms: Plesner’s lawyers work "efficiently and swiftly, and have a good understanding of business". Practice head Niels Christian Ellegaard is representing TetraStar and Damm Cellular Systems in a €50m claim against the Danish state concerning breach of the TETRA (Terrestrial Trunked Radio) licence; the case has been appealed to the Supreme Court. Michael Vilhem Nielsen acts for Eutelsat. Other clients include Telenor, Nianet, SEAS-NVE and AT&T. Regulatory expert Jon Balsby advises clients such as Sprint.

    Information Technology: Niels Christian Ellegaard heads Plesner’s IT practice, which demonstrates "commercial acumen and market knowledge". It advises IT service providers such as Accenture, Avanade, IFS and KMD, as well as corporate end users, including Tryg, Danske Bank and MT Højgaard. Ellegaard is assisting Copenhagen Airports with a major IT project. The "sharp, friendly and responsive" Michael Hopp advises on data protection and e-commerce (2014)
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