Gitte Holtsø

advokat, partner

Gitte Holtsø er specialiseret i EU-konkurrenceret og udbudsret. Gitte er leder af vores team for EU- og Konkurrenceret.

Karrieren blev indledt i Justitsministeriet, hvor Gitte blandt andet arbejdede for anklagemyndigheden og som dommerfuldmægtig. Hun har en LL.M. fra University of Cambridge, og i 2000 opnåede hun kvalifikation som engelsk solicitor fra BPP Law School i London, samtidig med at hun arbejdede for Charles Russell Solicitors, London, i firmaets afdeling for selskabs- og konkurrenceret.

Gitte har været involveret i en lang række fremtrædende konkurrenceretssager i Danmark og EU, bl.a. vedrørende den danske stats salg af aktier i Ørsted til Goldman Sachs, ATP og PFA og EY's overtagelse af KPMG's danske aktiviteter. Hun har særlig stor ekspertise inden for M&A-relateret konkurrenceret, herunder i forbindelse med anmeldelser af europæiske og multi-nationale fusioner.

Udbudsret er et andet af Gittes specialer, både på EU-niveau og i Danmark. Hun bistår ordregivende myndigheder, som f.eks. Sund & Bælt Holding i relation til opførelsen af den faste forbindelse over Femern Bælt. Hun bistår også leverandører, herunder særligt leverandører indenfor lægemiddelindustrien, hvor hun har opnået positive resultater i adskillige sager for Klagenævnet for Udbud.

Gitte har været udnævnt til sagkyndigt medlem af Klagenævnet for Udbud og er medlem af Danske Advokaters ekspertpanel for udbudsret.



  • Novozymes (nu Novonesis) – fusionen mellem Novozymes og Chr. Hansen (Danmarkshistoriens største fusion på tidspunktet), anmeldelse til EU-Kommissionen med godkendelse i fase I med tilsagn samt anmeldelse i en række andre jurisdiktioner rundt om i verden
  • Tryg A/S – Tryg A/S og Intact Financial Corporations opkøb af RSA Insurance Group plc. for samlet 7,2 mia. pund, herunder anmeldelse til en række nationale konkurrencemyndigheder. Transaktionen er den største aktiekapitalmarkedstransaktion, der nogensinde er gennemført i dansk kapitalmarkedshistorie
  • Finansministeriet – bistand i forbindelse med indgåelsen af en investeringsaftale mellem SAS AB og et konsortium bestående af den danske stat, Castlelake, Air France-KLM og Lind Invest i kontekst af SAS AB's igangværende rekonstruktion
  • EY International – sag ved de nationale domstole og EU-Domstolen i forbindelse med den første af sin art og derfor meget principielle sag om præimplementering ("gun-jumping") i forbindelse med EY's overtagelse af KPMG's danske aktiviteter
  • Faerch A/S – køb af PACCOR Packaging GmbH fra kapitalfonden Lindsay Goldberg, herunder anmeldelse til og godkendelse af EU-Kommissionen samt nationale konkurrencemyndigheder
  • Rosendahl Design Group A/S – sag om bindende videresalgspriser
  • Demant A/S – frasalget af Demants forretningsområde for cochlear implantater til Cochlear Ltd., herunder fusionsanmeldelse til EU-Kommissionen på baggrund af henvisninger fra 13 medlemsstater under fusionsforordningens artikel 22 samt fase II-undersøgelser i UK og Australien
  • Bjerregaard Sikkerhed A/S – frifindelse for overtrædelse af konkurrencelovens § 6 - anklage om kartelvirksomhed
  • Gastech-Energi A/S – sag for Konkurrencerådet og Konkurrenceankenævnet samt straffesag om ulovlig koordination af priskoordination
  • Finansministeriet og Ørsted – den danske stats salg af aktier i DONG Energy (Ørsted) til Goldman Sachs, ATP og PFA, og den efterfølgende børsintroduktion, herunder spørgsmål om statsstøtte og anmeldelse af begge transaktioner til EU-Kommissionen
  • Equinor Refining Norway (ejet af den norske stat) – køb af Danske Commodities, anmeldelse til og godkendelse af EU-Kommissionen
  • Circle K (Statoil Fuel & Retail) – køb af Dansk Shell, anmeldelse til og godkendelse i fase II af EU-Kommissionen og frasalg af visse aktiver til DCC, ligeledes godkendt af EU-Kommissionen
  • Finansministeriet/Kulturministeriet – bistand i forbindelse med den påtænkte (delvise) privatisering af TV2
  • Nationalbanken, Danske Bank, Nykredit, Nordea og Jyske Bank – salget af aktier i VP Securities til den paneuropæiske børs og markedsinfrastruktur-koncern Euronext
  • Nordea, Danske Bank, Arbejdernes Landsbank, SEB og Jyske Bank – salg af LR Realkredit til Nykredit, herunder anmeldelse til og godkendelse af Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen


  • Alstom Transport Danmark – DSB's udbud af kontrakt om nye elektriske tog til en anslået værdi af 50 mia. kr., herunder førelse af principiel sag ved Klagenævnet for Udbud, der gav Alstom medhold, i, at DSB havde pligt til at anmode Alstom om at erstatte en støtteenhed som ikke opfyldte et mindstekrav, hvilket sikrede Alstoms fortsatte deltagelse i udbuddet
  • Kalallit Airports –  opførelsen af de nye lufthavne i Grønland og bistand i forbindelse med gennemførelsen af flere udbud relateret til opførelsen af lufthavnene
  • Sund & Bælt Holding – rådgivning i forbindelse med opførelsen af Femern Bælt-forbindelsen
  • RWE Renewables AB – rådgivning i forbindelse med udbudsretlige forhold i relation til opførelse af Thor Havvindmøllepark


  • Gitte Holtsø is and has continuously for many years been ranked as a leading individual by Chambers, listed as a "Global Leader", "Thought Leader" and an expert by Who's Who Legal and recommended by Legal500 as regards Competition/European Law as well as Public Procurement/Government Contracts. Moreover, Gitte Holtsø is and has continuously for many years been listed as the only individual in Denmark within Competition and Antitrust in the category "Women in Business Law" by Expert Guides.
  • Gitte Holtsø is recommended and listed as a leading individual as regards EU and Competition.

    "We have most recently worked with Gitte Holtsø who is highly skilled, has a great business acumen, is always pleasant to work with, very responsive and to-the-point in her advice" (2024)

  • Gitte Holtsø is ranked as a leading individual (Band 1) as regards Competition/European Law and as a leading individual as regards Competition/European Law: Public Procurement.

    Gitte Holtsø is impressively active on high-value merger clearance filings and frequently acts for clients in behavioural investigations and appeals against decisions. She also assists clients with contentious public procurement mandates.

    "Gitte is very skilled and knowledgeable within the field, and provides commercial and to-the-point advice"

    "She is a top-tier competition lawyer and our preferred choice" (2024)

  • Gitte Holtsø is listed as a "Thought Leader" and recommended as a "Global Leader" as regards Competition. Further, she is recommended as a "Global Leader" as regards Government - Government Contracts (2023)

  • Gitte Holtsø is recommended and listed as a leading individual as regards EU and Competition.

    "Gitte Holtsø is likeable, knowledgeable, and experienced, which is invaluable when dealing with the authorities"

    "Gitte Holtsø and Daniel Barry are highly qualified and offer sustainable and to the point advice" (2023)


  • Gitte Holtsø is ranked as a leading individual (Band 1) as regards Competition/European Law and as a leading individual as regards Competition/European Law: Public Procurement.

    Gitte Holtsø is highly regarded for advising clients on merger clearance mandates, as well as representing them in investigations into alleged exchanges of sensitive information and price coordination. She also offers experience in public procurement matters in the energy and transport sector.

    "She is very skillful, a very keen listener and generally just pleasant to work with."

    "She is very good at balancing and making commercial solutions."

    "She is very good at putting legal solutions into a commercial context and finding solutions that are pragmatic."

    "She is highly responsive and sharp, gives constructive advice and is nice to work with." (2023)

  • Gitte Holtsø is recommended and listed as a leading individual as regards EU and Competition (2020+2021+2022)

  • Gitte Holtsø is ranked as a leading individual as regards Competition/European Law as well as Public Procurement.

    Head of department Gitte Holtsø is a notable presence who advises on both public procurement and competition law mandates. She possesses significant experience in merger control issues, as well as disputes over anti-competitive agreements and price fixing allegations. Clients praise her "high commercial understanding which helps to achieve pragmatic and executable solutions" (2022)

  • Gitte Holtsø is ranked as a leading individual as regards Competition/European Law as well as Public Procurement.

    Gitte Holtsø handles both public procurement and competition law mandates. She possesses significant experience in merger control issues, as well as disputes over anti-competitive agreements and price fixing allegations. A source praises her as "sharp-minded and very knowledgeable" while also noting that "she is particularly good at creating pragmatic and executable solutions for her clients" (2021)

  • Gitte Holtsø is ranked as a leading individual as regards Competition/European Law as well as Public Procurement.

    Gitte Holtsø handles both public procurement and competition law mandates. She possesses significant experience in merger control issues, as well as disputes over allegations of anti-competitive agreements and price fixing. Clients commend her for her "stellar knowledge and experience within the field of expertise," in addition to remarking that she "combines great expertise with a commercial mindset" (2020)

  • Gitte Holtsø, who is "very practical, highly skilled and always available" (2019)

  • Department head Gitte Holtsø is active in both competition and public procurement cases. She often represents clients before the competition authorities. Interviewees emphasise her trustworthy advice, saying: "She is highly skilled and knows our business very well. You feel safe when she is advising" (2019)

  • "Exceptionally specialized" Gitte Holtsø leads the group (2018) 

  • "Head of department Gitte Holtsø is lauded by clients as "very practical, highly skilled" and "always available". She practises in all areas of competition law and public procurement, including high-profile merger control and antitrust matters. Clients are impressed by her informed and tailored approach, with one source reporting: "She is energetic and interested in clients and how their businesses operate" (2018)

  • Highly recommended group head Gitte Holtsø (2017)

  • Gitte Holtsø handles handles a range of matters within the sector, including high-profile antitrust cases, public procurement and competition-related M&A matters. Clients say: "She is really good, very skilled and knowledgeable. Having worked with her for a while, you can tell that she really knows what she's doing" (2017)

  • Gitte Holtsø is highly regarded for her "stellar, solution-oriented approach" (2016)

  • According to clients, "Gitte Holtsø is an excellent lawyer with good industry expertise and also good ability to be creative in the process" (2016)
  • "Gitte Holtsø applies a skilful hand to both competition and procurement matters" (2015)
  • According to sources, Gitte Holtsø "understands where your business is coming from, and does not just see things through the lens of the domestic law." She advises on merger control cases and cartel investigations, and is noted for her expertise on public procurement projects for private companies (2014)
  • She "really understands the competition authorities" (2013)
  • The "bright and precise" Gitte Holtsø stands out for her public procurement and merger control advice. Clients highlight her calm approach as well as her accessibility, flexibility and resourcefulness (2013)

Seneste nyt om EU- og Konkurrenceret / Offentlige Indkøb

EU- og Konkurrenceret