Plesner opnår topplacering hos IFLR1000

IFLR1000 giver i sin 2011 udgave Plesner flotte placeringer inden for bank- og finansieringsret, M&A og rekonstruktion og insolvens.

Ét af advokatbranchens mest velanskrevne ratingforetagender, International Financial Law Review 1000, har atter placeret Plesner i "first tier"-kategorien inden for alle de områder, IFLR1000 dækker, nemlig bank- og finansieringsret, M&A samt rekonstruktion og insolvens.

I sin vurdering af Plesner skriver IFLR1000 bl.a.:

"(…) commentators note that the firm has been visible on some of the most prominent transactions in the market. 'Plesner is a great firm, we see them around a lot (…)', says one rival partner. A client adds: 'Plesner is always great to work with; a splendid firm who has a high level of legal knowledge'.

Plesner deserves to be at the top of the table, they are our biggest rivals," says a peer. Clients appreciate the firm's skills and approach: 'The firm is very good, they are very client focused and always driven to produce results', says one. 'They are brilliant - we will be using them again'."