New requirements for the connection of power-generating facilities are underway

In recent years the European Commission has issued numerous regulations setting out various network codes and requirements aimed at improving the security of energy supply within the EU. As Denmark is a member of the EU these regulations are directly applicable in Denmark.

Some of these regulations are referred to as "network codes" and consist of the following eight regulations:

  • CACM - Capacity Allocation & Congestion Management (a guideline on capacity allocation and congestion management) setting out general rules on capacity calculation, day-ahead and intraday markets.

  • FCA – Forward Capacity Allocation (a guideline on forward capacity allocation) setting out general rules on the offering of transmission rights in explicit auction. 

  • EB - Electricity Balancing (a guideline on electricity balancing) setting out rules on the establishment of a European electricity balancing market.

  • RfG - Requirements for Generator (a network code on requirements for grid connection of generators), establishing requirements for the connection of power-generating facilities.

  • DCC - Demand Connection Code (a network code on demand connection) setting out requirements for transmission-connected demand facilities and transmission-connected distribution facilities.

  • HVDC - High Voltage Direct Current (a network code on requirements for grid connection of high voltage direct current systems and direct current-connected power park modules), regarding grid connection of high voltage direct current systems and direct current-connected power park modules.

  • SO GL - System Operation Guideline (requirements for system security, outage planning, power balancing and reservation and exchange of reserves during normal and enhanced conditions) setting out general requirements for system security, power balancing, outage planning and reservation and exchange of reserves.

  • ER - Emergency and Restoration (a network code on electricity emergency and restoration) setting out requirements for essential operating conditions during electricity emergencies, in connection with a blackout state and during restoration following a blackout state.

In connection with the implementation of the various network codes in Denmark, Energinet, the Danish transmission systems operator (TSO), is to establish requirements that may potentially be crucial to stakeholders in the electricity sector and their businesses in Denmark.

For that reason, the implementation of network codes and the drafting of rules and requirements are made by task force meetings joined by relevant external stakeholders and Energinet. The implementation work will continue until 2019.

This implementation process has just resulted in Energinet's notification of new requirements for the connection of power-generating facilities to Eltilsynet, the Danish utility regulator. These requirements are part of the new concerted initiatives under Regulation RfG and will, together with the new technical regulations 3.2.7 on power quality, replace the now historic technical regulations 3.2.1, 3.2.2 and 3.2.5.

Read the new requirements here (in Danish)

The deadline for the regulator's launch of a public consultation with respect to the requirements and the final approval of the rules with any amendments is 17 November 2018. The requirements will come into force on 27 April 2019.

Plesner has continuously advised stakeholders in the electricity sector, who wish to exert an influence on the drafting of Energinet's requirements, and has attended various task force meetings with Energinet.

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