Plesners Fast Ejendom-team yder specialiseret rådgivning inden for disse 3 hovedområder: Køb og salg af fast ejendom, udvikling af fast ejendom og asset management af fast ejendom.

Ud fra en samarbejdsbaseret og løsningsorienteret tilgang rådgiver vi danske såvel som internationale klienter, herunder ejendomsfonde, pensionskasser, ejendomsudviklere og private ejendomsselskaber. 

Vi lægger vægt på tilgængelighed og på at skabe kommercielt lukrative løsninger for vores klienter.

Vi har særligt fokus på - og forståelse for - de kommercielle aspekter af ejendomstransaktioner, ejendomsudviklingsprojekter samt asset management og sætter en ære i at facilitere de mest optimale og effektive processer. Vi påtager os ansvaret - og vi går ikke på kompromis med hverken kvalitet eller integritet. 

Fast Ejendom-teamet er placeret - både organisatorisk og fysisk - i en gruppe med Entreprise-teamet (inklusive sub-teamet for Almene Boliger) og Energi- og Infrastruktur-teamet (inklusive sub-teams for Offentlig Ret, Miljø- og Planret samt Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG)), således at vi sammen - på tværs af disse teams og i samarbejde med øvrige, relevante teams i Plesner - kan yde højt specialiseret og helhedsorienteret rådgivning inden for alle dele af det bebyggede miljø.  

Gennem denne struktur sikrer vi bedst mulig udnyttelse af synergieffekterne ved Plesners viden om opførelse, erhvervelse, drift, tvist og afhændelse af alle former for fast ejendom til fordel for vores klienter.


Gennemførelse af ejendomstransaktioner - både i form af aktiv- og selskabsoverdragelser - er ét af Fast Ejendom-teamets største arbejdsområder. Transaktionerne kan omfatte alle typer af erhvervsejendomme, ejendomsudviklingsprojekter, porteføljer af ejendomme eller udviklingsprojekter og ejendomsselskaber. 

Rådgivningen tilrettelægges ud fra den enkelte transaktion og med fokus på at opnå omkostningseffektive og driftseffektive strukturer i forbindelse med den pågældende klients køb eller salg. Rådgivning vedrørende blandt andet ejerstrukturer samt investeringsstrategier og finansieringsforhold tænkes derfor ind fra rådgivningens start.  

Vi ved, at transaktioner er dynamiske, hvorfor vi også er kendetegnet ved vores responsive tilgang hele vejen igennem processen. Ved udøvelsen af vores rådgivning har vi fokus på at simplificere det komplicerede. Dette afspejler sig i en transaktionsservice, hvor klienternes sikkerhed for transaktionen er i højsædet, og hvor eventuelle udfordringer søges håndteret på pragmatisk vis - men altid med fokus på gode, kommercielle løsninger. 


Udvikling af ejendomme indebærer en række kontraktuelle og myndighedsmæssige processer og dispositioner, som vores Fast Ejendom-team i samarbejde med særligt Plesners team for Entrepriseret og sub-teamet for Miljø- og Planret er specialiserede i.

Der er ofte tale om længerevarende projekter, hvor vi rådgiver fra start til slut og sikrer løbende opfølgning og fremdrift i projekterne i samarbejde med vores klienter. Samtidig kræver udviklingsprojekterne et blik for detaljerne, da projekterne ofte er særdeles komplekse. Dette overblik sikrer vi ved vores rådgivning, uanset hvor i processen et projekt befinder sig.

Asset Management

Plesner er blandt de absolut førende juridiske rådgivere inden for Asset Management i Danmark. Vores rådgivning dækker alle områder inden for asset management, herunder erhvervslejeret, boliglejeret, tvisthåndtering samt aftaler om forvaltning og administration af ejendomme. Med fokus på at skabe mest mulig værdi, rådgiver vi med afsæt i den højeste faglighed, dybdegående praktisk erfaring og med et kommercielt mindset.



  • Plesner boasts an exceptional construction practice with further strong capabilities in real estate mandates. The law firm is regularly involved in large-scale construction projects in the energy, infrastructure and transportation sectors, including litigation and arbitration proceedings. The group is also proficient in property and portfolio transactions, including the acquisition of development projects. The lawyers are well versed in the full gamut of property types, including mixed-use and student accommodation.

    "I'm very satisfied with their ability; they are strong in all the areas relevant to us and I'm always satisfied with their service"

    "They are highly competent and work well together" (2024)

  • "Very professional team. Confident and friendly advisers, deal driven, accurate due diligence, strong legal base for negotiations, targets well achieved"

    "Plesner have a strong team with specialists in all constructions matters, they are impeccable"

    "They have the ability to comprehend complex challenges, and have a good sense of the construction market in general" 
    Plesner boasts an exceptional construction practice with further strong capabilities in real estate mandates. The law firm is regularly involved in large-scale construction projects in the energy, infrastructure and transportation sectors, including litigation and arbitration proceedings. The group is also proficient in property and portfolio transactions, including the acquisition of development projects. The lawyers are well versed in the full gamut of property types, including mixed-use and student accommodation.

    "The team at Plesner has strength and depth, is very experienced and is commercial in driving transactions forward" (2023)
  • "Highly professional, key insights, flexible and constructive. Allocates resources so the job can be done within agreed timeframes, to the point communication and although cases can be complicated, Plesner do not add to the complications"
    "Quick, competent, quality conscious and business-focused team, they know their client and their law and the businesses, and pleasant people to work with" 
    "Always ready, quick to follow up on requests. Sharp and up to date on relevant legal issues"
    "Always quick to see the big picture and understand complex issues. Nice to have the same point of contact. Good service in house and in all matters of correspondence" (2022)
  • Plesner convinces with its offering in real estate, often assisting with the acquisition and sale of a broad variety of real estate assets and portfolios throughout Denmark. Pension funds, international investors and developers as well as public entities belong to Plesner's excellent client roster (2022)
  • "They are solution-oriented, always assessing whether solutions requested are economically viable. They are always very professional"
    "The Plesner practise has broad expertise within real estate transactions and development and combined with the strengths of the construction team, Plesner has a true full service offering within real estate"
    "Great profile within the industry for both domestic and foreign players. Solid organisation and sufficient resources to cope with larger and more complex cases"
    "Highly skilled and experienced team, high quality, thoroughness and good commercial understanding. Availability and follow-up level is outstanding. Also a very ambitious team which strives for a good position in the market" (2021)
  • Exceptional practice handling all areas of real estate and construction law, with an emphasis on project development. Assists property owners, pension funds, international investors and developers with such issues as lease agreements, acquisitions and sales, commercial construction projects, dispute resolution and contract negotiation. Particularly well regarded for infrastructure construction projects.

    "The lawyers always offer hands-on case management"

    "They are approachable and accessible"

    "They are proactive and share their knowledge from previous deals with us" (2021)

  • "They understand how we think commercially and take this into account in the organisation of their legal assistance" (2020)
  • Exceptional practice handling all areas of real estate and construction law, with an emphasis on project development. Assists contractors, property owners, pension funds, international investors and developers with such issues as lease agreements, acquisitions and sales, commercial construction projects, dispute resolution and contract negotiation. Particularly well regarded for infrastructure construction projects.

    "The firm's lawyers have a holistic understanding of their clients, and thus a holistic approach to legal advisory"
    "Very experienced in the field and know the business" (2020)
  • Within Real estate and construction, Plesner is a first tier firm.
    "Plesner is noted for its work on high-profile transactions, projects and disputes" (2019)
  • Exceptional practice handling all areas of real estate and construction law, with an emphasis on project development. Assists a plethora of clients, including contractors, property owners, pension funds, international investors and developers with an exhaustive range of legal issues, such as lease agreements, acquisitions and sales, dispute resolution and contract negotiation. Particularly well regarded for infrastructure construction projects.

    "High degree of expertise and experience, in addition to great over-all business insight and understanding"
    "Plesner is absolutely one of the best teams in real estate, they are doing a great job" (2019)
  • Within Real estate and construction, Plesner is a first tier firm.

    Plesner is "one of the best" (2018)
  • "A great overall team, with great flexibility" (2018)
  • Within Real estate and construction, Plesner is a first tier firm.

    "Among the best in Denmark", Plesner's commercial real estate group is headed by Jakob Schou Midtgaard (2017)

  • Highly accomplished team handling all areas of real estate and construction law, with a focus on project development. Assists clients with dispute resolution, as well as on a wide range of real estate asset transactions. Acts for an enviable range of clients including contractors, architects, property owners, pension funds, international investors and developers.

    "Good counsellors who can cover everything. They are responsive, efficient, transparent and very commercial" (2017)
  • Within Real estate and construction, Plesner is a first tier firm (2016)

  • Impressive experience across real estate and noted excellence within transactions, financing and leasing. Formidable base of clients including international investors and pension funds, amongst others. Strong relationships with contractors, architects, engineers and developers within residential development and the construction industry.

    "They provide comprehensive and high-quality advice at very short notice. It is a pleasure to prepare and run court cases with them" (2015)
  • Acknowledged as a premier real estate practice, with a particular focus representing international investors and top domestic pension funds. Widely recognised for its impressive construction practice, representing contractors, engineers and architects.

    "The lawyers are great at combining commercial and legal points and are very responsive" (2014)

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