Vores insolvensteam - ledet af Lars Skanvig og Michala Roepstorff - er førende inden for både rekonstruktioner og konkurs. Vores omfattende erfaring og specialiserede juridiske viden kombineret med en kommerciel tilgang og nye innovative løsninger sikrer, at vi altid kan tilbyde den optimale rådgivning. Vi rådgiver virksomheder, banker og kreditorer samt varetager rollen som kurator eller rekonstruktør af insolvente virksomheder.

Tværfaglige kompetencer

Kerneteamet består af dybt specialiserede eksperter i insolvensret. Kerneteamet har adgang til tværfaglige ressourcer af højeste kvalitet i Plesners øvrige specialafdelinger - med eksperter inden for Bank og Finans, Commercial Real Estate, Selskabsret, Ansættelsesret, Skatter og Afgifter, Dispute Resolution samt M&A. Alle Plesners specialister er altid tilgængelige, men kun relevante eksperter tilknyttes det team, der skal løse den specifikke rådgivning.

Sikring af værdier

I en nødlidende virksomhed skal der ofte tages skridt til at beskytte værdierne meget hurtigt, uanset om situationen håndteres udenretligt, eller der skal indledes en retslig procedure. Teamet, med en partner i spidsen, sættes allerede inden for de første timer af en ny sag. Uanset om I er kreditor eller en virksomhed med økonomiske vanskeligheder, vil I opleve en omkostningseffektiv og struktureret arbejdsproces med fokus på at sikre værdier og finde de bedst mulige løsninger. Og om nødvendigt har vi kapaciteten til - baseret på vores store erfaring med håndtering af komplekse retssager - at håndtere enhver form for tvist inden for insolvensret.

International erfaring

Vores insolvensteam har erfaring fra en bred vifte af internationale rekonstruktions- og konkurssager. Vi er vant til at arbejde med sager på tværs af landegrænser, og vores stærke internationale netværk sikrer desuden, at de bedste udenlandske specialister om nødvendigt bliver involveret.

Med udgangspunkt i innovative løsninger, tværfaglige kompetencer og international erfaring/netværk kan vi til tilbyde en værdiskabende service af højeste kvalitet.

Udvalgte sager

  • O.W. Bunker under konkurs (Shipping)
    O.W. Bunkers konkurs det mest omfattende konkursbo i Danmark i nyere tid. O.W Bunker A/S var holdingselskab for ca. 41 datterselskaber over hele verden. Aktiviteterne i O.W. Bunker Group er komplekse og er kendetegnet ved større grænseoverskridende transaktioner. Mange af de største tvister i forbindelse med konkursbehandlingen involverer forhold inden for insolvensretlige områder, der hidtil aldrig er blevet afprøvet i Danmark.
    Michala Roepstorff er udpeget til en af de to kuratorer for O.W. Bunker A/S. Foruden Plesners insolvensspecialister behandles sagen af et bredt team af tværfaglige ressourcer fra M&A, Shipping, Bank og Finans samt Dispute Resolution.

  • Burmeister & Wain Energy A/S under konkurs (Produktion/Entreprise)
    Burmeister & Wain Energy A/S var en nøgleafspiller på markedet for udvikling af kedler til energianlæg over hele verden.
    Sagen involverer bl.a. aktiviteter på tværs af landegrænser, udfordringer vedrørende aftalt lovvalg i forhold til konkursloven, herunder i kombination med entrepriser udført i joint venture. Virkningen af de forskellige lovvalgsbestemmelser i forhold til opgør af kontraktforhold og dermed betydelige økonomiske krav for konkursboet,  gør konkursbehandlingen særdeles kompleks.
    Lars Skanvig er udpeget  kurator for Burmeister & Wain Energy A/S. Foruden Plesners insolvensspecialister behandles sagen af et bredt team af tværfaglige ressourcer fra Entreprise, Dispute Resolution og M&A.

  • Hellerup Finans A/S under konkurs (Finans)
    Hellerup Finans A/S bestod af en række selskaber, der foretog investeringer i mere end 15 forskellige virksomheder. Over 400 private investorer stillede kapital til rådighed for investeringerne. Den tilførte kapital var på mere end DKK 200 millioner. Efter at en plan for rekonstruktion af Hellerup Finans A/S mislykkedes, blev gruppen af selskaber taget under  konkursbehandling.
    Sagen har et stort antal investorer involveret, og den gøres yderligere kompleks som følge af den særlige finansielle struktur af den kapital, der var afsat til investeringer, samt håndteringen af de store investeringer i forskellige typer af virksomheder.
    Lars Skanvig er udpeget kurator i Hellerup Finans A/S og øvrige koncernselskaber. Udover Plesners insolvensspecialister behandles sagen af et bredt team af tværfaglige ressourcer fra M&A og Dispute Resolution.

  • Europharma.DK ApS under konkurs (Life Science)
    Europharma.DK ApS var en parallelimportør af lægemidler. Bemyndigelsen til at sælge og fremstille lægemidlerne blev suspenderet af Lægemiddelstyrelsen to gange før konkursen. Under konkursbobehandlingen er dele af varelager af lægemidler af betydelig økonomisk værdi afviklet. I den forbindelse har konkursboet fastholdt nøglemedarbejdere for at kunne overholde myndighedernes krav til at sælge varelager.
    Sagen involverer tæt kontakt med de danske sundhedsmyndigheder og aktiviteter underlagt lovgivning og regulering.
    Michala Roepstorff er udpeget til kurator for Europharma.DK ApS. Foruden Plesners insolvensspecialister behandles sagen af et team af tværfaglige ressourcer fra Life Science.


  • "Plesner has a very strong insolvency team, which enables Plesner to handle even the biggest and most complicated insolvency cases"

    "Plesner is commercial but practical in its approach, their technical expertise in insolvency matters has been instrumental in the efficient and effective handling of cases and they are not afraid to take a more robust approach where considered necessary"

    "Highly experienced team, taking in the right specialists when needed. They have the eyes on the ball and their experience ensures a timely and professional handling of estates and likes" (2024)

  • Plesner has a notable team that is active predominantly in the debtor side of major insolvency and restructuring proceedings. The lawyers regularly act as trustees on bankruptcies, advising on disputes with creditors. The practice works with cases involving fraud and mismanagement, using its strength in asset-tracing mandates. The department handles cases relating to companies in a broad variety of sectors, notably finance, pharmaceuticals and energy.

    "It is a very skilled and experienced team that has a good mix of experienced and young talent who always provide quick responses"

    "The team is very good at coordinating counsels in different jurisdictions. The law firm has broad expertise, with experts in insolvency, finance and M&A. The lawyers provide swift responses and focus on the vital issues" (2024)

  • "Professional, fast, attention to client's needs"

    "Experts in cross-border insolvency cases. Plesner is practical and commercial in its approach"

    "Knowledgeable in insolvency matters, practical and commercial in their approach" (2023)

  • "The team has very good knowledge of insolvency law" (2023)

  • Plesner is a notable team that is active predominantly on the debtor side of major insolvency and restructuring proceedings. The lawyers regularly act as trustees on bankruptcies, advising on disputes with creditors. The practice works with cases including fraud and mismanagement, using its strength in asset-tracing mandates. The department handles cases relating to companies in a broad variety of sectors, notably finance, pharmaceuticals and energy.

    "Plesner has very good knowledge and speedy processes" (2023)
  • "Experts in insolvency; excellent communication with client; result oriented"
    "Hands-on approach with clear guidance for the client on what needs to be done"
  • "Good knowledge of insolvency law; commercial; responsive; excellent English language capabilities"

    "Very well structured advice delivered in a proactive manner"

    "Plesner Law Firm has a broad competence in insolvency law, which we use. Their field of expertise covers a wide range of industries"

    "They uncover our needs in relation to bringing the companies out of their problems but can at the same time prepare for any bankruptcy and help reduce losses for the bank"

    "Plesner is very good at insolvency in Denmark and has a very good understanding of insolvency problems in other countries" (2022)

  • Plesner is a notable team that is active predominantly on the debtor side of major insolvency and restructuring proceedings. The lawyers regularly act as trustees on bankruptcies, advising on disputes with creditors and the collection of receivables owed to bankruptcy estates. The practice works with cases including fraud and mismanagement, using its strength in asset-tracing mandates. The department handles cases relating to companies in a broad variety of sectors, notably finance, pharmaceuticals and energy (2022)
  • "Very pragmatic support with clear guidance on what are the different steps to take to progress and conclude specific files" (2021/2022)
  • "The insolvency team is deservedly well known for taking appointments in some of the largest cases"

    "The insolvency team has strong knowledge and experience in high value/key capabilities" (2021)

  • Leading team that is active predominantly on the debtor side of major insolvency and restructuring proceedings. Team members regularly act as trustees in bankruptcies, advising on disputes with creditors and the collection of receivables owed to bankruptcy estates. Works with cases including fraud and mismanagement using its strength in asset tracing mandates. Handles cases relating to companies in a broad variety of sectors, notably finance, pharmaceuticals and energy.

    "The lawyers showcase a commercial understanding of their client's business and a very pragmatic and solution-oriented approach"

    "What stands out is their ability to make commercial decisions, to be very responsive and to have a very good grasp of the intricacies of the Danish bankruptcy law" (2021)

  • Plesner is listed in "Tier 1" as regards Restructuring and Insolvency (2021)
  • Within Insolvency and Restructuring, Plesner is a first tier firm.

    "Strong knowledge and legal capabilities" (2020)

  • Leading team that is active predominantly on the debtor side of major insolvency and restructuring proceedings. Team members regularly act as trustees in bankruptcies, advising on disputes with creditors and the collection of receivables owed to bankruptcy estates. Works with cases including fraud and mismanagement using its strength in asset tracing mandates. Handles cases relating to companies in a broad variety of sectors, notably real estate, maritime, retail and energy.

    "They are experienced and skilled lawyers within the field of insolvency. In addition they are most pragmatic and good business people with the ability to simplify complex legal issues. This enables them to solve even the very big cases smoothly and swiftly"

    "very pragmatic and easy to work with" (2020)

  • Within Insolvency and restructuring, Plesner is a first tier firm.

    "The practice at Plesner is highly skilled in complex bankruptcy and insolvency proceedings" (2019)

  • Leading team that is active predominantly on the debtor side of major insolvency and restructuring proceedings. Team members regularly act as trustees in bankruptcies, advising on disputes with creditors and the collection of receivables owed to bankruptcy estates. Wins praise for handling of asset tracing mandates. Handles cases relating to companies in a broad variety of sectors, notably real estate, maritime, retail and energy. Market commentators note the superb reputations of the firm's senior partners.

    "The Plesner team is hugely experienced"

    "It is one of the largest law firms in Denmark and the lawyers have a lot of knowledge" (2019)

  • Plesner is one of Denmark’s largest and leading firms and has top tier rankings across a range of areas. The restructuring team advised on a number of high-profile financial restructurings and insolvencies (2019)
  • Within Insolvency and restructuring, Plesner is a first tier firm.

    Plesner’s insolvency and restructuring practice is lauded for its "deep industry knowledge" (2018)
  • "Very skilled, with a fast response rate"

    "One of the major players"

    "The lawyers are commercially minded" (2018)

  • Recognised across the board as one of the strongest firms in Copenhagen, Plesner continues to collect plaudits for its work in all areas of practice (2018)

  • Leading team that is active in major insolvency and restructuring proceedings. Team members regularly act as trustees in bankruptcies. Handles a range of domestic and cross-border mandates for clients that include financial institutions.

    "They have very skilled people there, they answer quickly and always have qualified answers to legal queries"

    "They are top-class and have the right skill-set" (2017)

  • Within Insolvency and restructuring, Plesner is a first tier firm. 

    Plesner's "excellent" group often acts for creditors, particularly major banks and insurance companies (2017)
  • One of the established top-tier firms in the Danish market. Clients point to the overall quality of the firm as an outstanding aspect of its work.

    "They deliver very solid work - they are both diligent and commercial"

    "I would be very happy to use them again, they were excellent" (2017)

  • "The team is very good; the lawyers are very responsive and easy to work with" (2016)
  • Within Insolvency and restructuring, Plesner is a first tier firm (2016)

  • Across the board Plesner is recognised by clients and peers alike as one of the leading teams in the Danish market doing some of the most significant work.

    "Plesner are extremely responsive. The high quality of their output is equivalent to a magic circle law firm" (2016)

  • Plesner is listed in "Band 1" as regards Restructuring/Insolvency (2015)

  • Market-leading expertise in insolvency issues, including liquidation and administration of bankruptcy estates. Particularly focused in the real estate, shipping and energy sectors. Boasts significant experience in large-scale restructuring matters.

    "It has the manpower to engage in the largest matters and has superb connections"

    "Usually present on deals and always highly capable and helpful" (2015)

  • Plesner has provided us with high-quality advice and service regarding the various issues in connection with a bankruptcy. Their work, especially the collaboration with foreign lawyers to ensure sound legal advice regarding properties in that country, has been over and above what is normally expected from a Danish law firm (2015)

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