Daniel Barry

advokat (L), partner

Daniel Barry er specialiseret i EU- og konkurrenceret.

Daniel har omfattende erfaring inden for alle områder af dansk og EU-konkurrenceret, herunder karteller, horisontale samarbejdsaftaler, distributionsaftaler, misbrug af dominerende stilling, statsstøtte og konkurrenceretlig compliance, og agerer løbende på nogle af de mest komplekse og højtprofilerede konkurrencesager. 

Daniel fokuserer primært på komplekse konkurrenceretlige tvister, herunder danske og EU-kartelsager, misbrugssager samt danske og multijurisdiktionelle erstatningssager. Hans erfaring omfatter bl.a. deltagelse i Europa-Kommissionens leniency-program og forligsprocedure, koordinering af strafferetlige/administrative sager i en række jurisdiktioner, herunder USA, samt håndtering og koordinering af follow-on erstatningssager i en række jurisdiktioner, herunder i Danmark, Tyskland, UK, USA, Canada og Israel. Daniel har været involveret i anlæggelsen af en række negative anerkendelsessøgsmål ("torpedo-søgsmål"), som ikke tidligere er anvendt i konkurrenceretsrelaterede erstatningssager.

Daniel er formand for Danske Advokaters Fagudvalg for Konkurrenceret og næstformand i Dansk Forening for Konkurrenceret.


  • Ørsted - repræsentation i forhold til den vellykkede appel af afgørelser fra konkurrencemyndighederne om påstået misbrug af dominerende stilling i form af urimeligt høje priser og bistand i forhold til relaterede erstatningskrav fra mere end 1.100 virksomheder. Sagskomplekset er det hidtil største i Danmark
  • Danfoss - repræsentation i forhold til Refrigeration Compressors-kartelsagen, herunder repræsentation i forhold til Europa-Kommissionens undersøgelse, leniency-program og forligsprocedure; koordination af strafferetlige/administrative undersøgelser i en række andre jurisdiktioner, samt håndtering af og repræsentation i forhold til og koordination af relaterede erstatningssager i en række jurisdiktioner
  • Lastbiler - repræsentation af en international lastbilsfabrikant i forhold til follow-on erstatningssager relateret til lastbil-kartellet
  • Diesel Motor Nordic - repræsentation i forhold til appel af afgørelser fra konkurrencemyndighederne om påstået aftale om hindring af passivt salg og parallelhandel for Sø- og Handelsretten, Østre Landsret og Højesteret, samt relateret straffesag
  • Volvo Danmark - bistand med fusionskontrol af køb én af Volvo Danmarks autoriserede forhandlere, Titan Lastvogne A/S, der blev godkendt af Konkurrencerådet i fase II uden tilsagn
  • LEO Pharma - fusionskontrol- og FDI-relateret bistand i forbindelse med indgåelse af partnerskab med Nordic Capital
  • HTS Besafe - repræsentation i undersøgelse om bindende videresalgspriser
  • Tryg - fusions- og konkurrenceretlig rådgivning vedrørende Trygs mulige erhvervelse af dele af RSA Insurance Group
  • Nissan Nordic Europe - repræsentation i forhold til stand-alone erstatningssag vedrørende afslag på adgang til kvalitativt selektivt distributionssystem for eftersalgsaktiviteter
  • Urimeligt lave priser - repræsentation af en virksomhed i finanssektoren vedrørende stand-alone erstatningssag om påståede urimeligt lave priser
  • Tilbagebetaling af statsstøtte - repræsentation af en international clean-energy-virksomheder i forhold til et krav om tilbagebetaling af påstået overkompensation for udførelse af tjenesteydelser af almindelig økonomisk interesse (i henhold til Public Service-Afgørelsen)
  • Billedrørskartel - repræsentation af en international forbrugerelektronikproducent i en erstatningssag relateret til billedrørskartellet
  • Weber-Stephen Nordic - konkurrenceretlig rådgivning vedrørende implementeringen af et kvalitativt selektivt distributionssystem i Norden
  • Novo - bistand med fusionsanmeldelser i flere jurisdiktioner vedrørende investering i ERT sammen med Nordic Capital


  • Daniel Barry is recommended and listed as a "Next generation partner" as regards EU and Competition.

    "Daniel Barry is exceptional at cutting to the core of complex issues and offering focused and easy-to-digest advise"

    "Daniel Barry is a very accomplished antitrust lawyer. Very knowledgeable and has control of all aspects and details of the case he works on" (2024)

  • Daniel Barry is ranked as a leading individual as regards Competition/European Law.

    Daniel Barry has a broad competition law practice that covers merger control and FDI filings, as well as behavioural investigations, appeals against fines and damages actions.

    "Daniel is true pleasure to work with - I would recommend working with him"

    "Daniel Barry is a sophisticated practitioner who gives smart, to-the-point advice" (2024)

  • Daniel Barry is recommended and listed as a "Next generation partner" as regards EU and Competition.

    "Daniel Barry is the star of the department. He thinks on his feet and develops solid arguments based on substantive knowledge. I appreciate his work and support"

    "Gitte Holtsø and Daniel Barry are highly qualified and offer sustainable and to the point advice" (2023)

  • Daniel Barry is ranked as a leading individual as regards Competition/European Law.

    Daniel Barry has a broad competition law practice, advising clients on merger clearance mandates and representing them in behavioural investigations, including investigations into potential unlawful state aid grants. He also assists clients with challenges to authority decisions and defends them in follow-on damages claims.

    "He is highly committed to finding solutions." (2023)

  • Daniel Barry is recommended and listed as a "Next generation partner" as regards EU and Competition.

    "Daniel Barry is by far the most well-respected and savvy competition lawyer in the country. His grasp of complexity is remarkable and second to none. He leaves no stone unturned. He is incredibly pleasant to work with and does not shy away from genuine honesty in assessments and dealings" (2022)

  • Daniel Barry is listed as a "Global Leader" within Competition (2021+2022+2023)
  • Daniel Barry is ranked as a leading individual as regards Competition/European Law.
    Daniel Barry moves up the rankings as a result of strong market feedback. He acts on competition disputes, including those arising from anti-competitive agreements and abuse of dominance claims. Interviewees describe him as "very responsive, with a good business understanding" (2022)
  • Daniel Barry is recommended and listed as a "Next generation partner" as regards EU and Competition (2020+2021)

    "I have been working with Christian Karhula Lauridsen and Daniel Barry on very complex cases involving several jurisdictions. Both are extremely strong in analysing complex cases and by that also develop the strongest arguments and the best tactics. Not a single stone is untouched – and therefore they are able to develop the best strategy for how to handle the cases" (2021)

  • Daniel Barry is ranked as Up and Coming as regards Competition/European Law. Daniel Barry enters the ranking this year due to strong market feedback. He represents clients in competition disputes, including those arising from anti-competitive agreements and abuse of dominance claims.
    Clients enthuse: "He is one of the best in terms of displaying passion for competition law and understanding how it should be interpreted by businesses" (2021)
  • Daniel Barry is listed as a "Future Leader" within Competition (2017+2018+2019+2020)

    Sources name Daniel Barry at Plesner Advokatpartnerselskab "a skilled litigator and expert", and rate him highly for his "strategic thinking and deep insight into competition economics" (2018)

  • Daniel Barry is recommended and listed as a "Next generation lawyer" as regards EU and Competition (2018+2019)

    The group includes "sharp, responsive and friendly"  Daniel Barry (2018)

  • Daniel Barry has been chosen as a "Rising Star" within Competition and Antitrust (2016+2017+2018)

  • Daniel Barry is recommended as regards EU and Competition (2017)

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EU- og Konkurrenceret